

The Unconference will consist of complementary activities  that contribute to the aims of the event:
1)         Speaker Program
          Our “Dreamers in Action” Guest Speakers will share:
·   The Dream they are pursuing, 
·   The sphere of influence of the Dream and the transformation that is  taking place as a    consequence of their Dream in Action,
·   The present situation of their Dream in Action
·   The experiential process: identifying the dream, how it took form, putting it into   action, overcoming difficulties along the way…,
·   Their life situation today, their vision regarding the state of the world today

2)             Sessions for Creative Dialog: Exchange of experiences, perspectives and dreams relating to the subjects raised during the Speaker Presentations. These discussions will benefit from group dynamics that facilitate participation of all present and the development of an Increasingly Integral Vision about what is happening, establishing connections among spheres that are normally perceived as unrelated.

3)             A Virtual Space will be fed before and after the Unconference making information about the Event available to a wider audience.