

In order to facilitate the participation of people from as many different backgrounds and spheres of activity as possible, and thereby enrich the sessions of Creative Dialog as diverse a range of perspectives as possible, we are offering a limited number of scholarships that will  make it possible to take part in the Unconference without paying the fee.

So, if your present economic situation is preventing you from registering for the Unconference, please apply for a scholarship by sending us your answer to the following question: 
Why is it important to you to participate in this I International Dreams in Action Unconference?

Write out your answer and send it to, or, by post, to
Mirra and Lur Gozoa 
c/Gordoniz 44 4º, Dept 5B
48002 Bilbao

We can offer only a limited number of scholarships but we do want to facilitate the attendance of those people who really want to participate in the Unconference. Please be sure to include your full name, postal address, phone, and email so that we may inform you of our decision regarding your application.

Please note:
*Your application should not exceed 500 words
*You must send your application before October 28. The deadline to ask for scholarships has been extended until November the 7th.
*The results will be made know by phone or by email 
*The Unconference Organizing Committee will evaluate the applications and all decisions will be final.

All applicants will receive a response from us regardless of whether we can grant the scholarship or not.

Thank you.  We hope to hear from you soon!
The Unconference Organizing Committee