The people who belong to Lur Gozoa – Plataforma para una Ciudadanía Consciente, and Mirra - Asociación para el Liderazgo de la Mujer believe in a better future for all human beings and that each one of us can contribute to the emergence of such a future.
During the course of our activity, we are discovering a budding reality of People and Organizations that are offering new solutions that are being carried out with success and, at the same time, generating new forms of inclusive and sustainable wealth. We believe we can find in these ground breaking experiences important keys of new "codes" that can serve as references, not necessarily to be repeated, but rather as sources of inspiration that motivates us, and that gives us the energy needed to assume our own goals.
Therefore, as citizens, organizers and participants of this initiative, we are convoking the rest of the citizenship to participate by:
1. Meeting and letting ourselves be inspired by People and Organizations that are activating and potentiating new, transformative “ways of doing”, thereby increasing our knowledge of subjects of interest to us,
2. Offering our vision and experience, sharing with each other, reflecting more and more deeply into the causes of the challenges that we face,
3. Generating proposals for action that will permit us to contribute to the transformation of our society.