
Who we are and why we promote the Unconference

The people who belong to Lur Gozoa – Platform for a Conscious Citizenry and Mirra – Association for Woman’s Leadership believe in a better future for all human beings and that each one of us can contribute to the emergence of such a future.

The origins of Mirra and Lur Gozoa can be traced back to 1997, when we began a process of Inner Transformation and Evolutionary Development, in the School of Active Meditation founded by Rosana Agudo (Bilbao, Spain).  This process bore fruit in the form of a Common Dream that we are trying to realize in our lives: we wish to promote the development of consciousness in the citizenry and its active participation in the construction of a sensitive and creative Society that offers more integrative solutions that favour, in a more intelligent and effective way, the satisfaction of our present and future individual and collective needs and aspirations.

The principle world challenges that confront us today seem to have been identified, and as a society, we are attempting to respond to them, often without a perception of efficiency at the global level (and less and less at the local level).  At the same time we hear that the world panorama demands a new mental model.

We understand that the great challenges we face are connected to each other and also to others that are not as visible, and for that reason, we are not able to approach them with sufficient clarity and strength.  The underlying origin, the weft of this weave, the lens through which we view and interpret the world, is intimately related to the mental model, to the manner in which a specific society understands life.  One particularly difficult characteristic of the mental model is that it is reactive and little prone to true innovation.

Fortunately, during the course of our activity, we are discovering a budding reality of People and Organizations that are offering new solutions that are being carried out with success and, at the same time, generating new forms of inclusive and sustainable wealth.  We believe that these ground breaking experiences can serve as references, not necessarily to be repeated, but rather as sources of inspiration that motivates us, and that gives us the energy needed to assume our own goals.  

We speak of “Dreams in Action” because we consider that these emerging experiences (that, in some cases, are being revived from the past), are responding to what, in the dominant mental model (which must be transcended), is categorized as a “dream” i.e., “something impossible to achieve”.

Therefore, as citizens, organizers and participants of this initiative, we are convoking the rest of the citizenry to participate by:

1. Meeting and letting ourselves be inspired by People and Organizations that are activating and potentiating new, transformative “ways of doing”, thereby increasing our knowledge of subjects of interest to us,

2. Offering our vision and experience, sharing with each other, reflecting more and more deeply into the causes of the challenges that we face,

3. Generating proposals for action that will permit us to contribute to the transformation of our society.

Therefore, we propose a recognition and mobilization gathering that:
·         Shows references of Dreamers, of their processes, of their vision and of their Dreams in Action,
·         Offers a space for the active participation of all, through the group dynamics of Creative Conversations,
·         Favours the connection among Dreamers, potentiating their projects and the possibility of the inception of new ones,
·         Enriches, at the same time, the habitat of the event with experiences of Art and Culture connected with the unConference.

We convoke all people who dream of a better future for all,
who believe that this is not only necessary but also possible,
and who long to participate in its creation.

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