
Citizenry calling to Citizenry...

when: 11 November 2011
where: in Bilbao, Multibox Space (EITB)

who, what, to whom, what for,...

The members of Lur Gozoa – Platform for aConscious Citizenry and Mirra – Association for Woman’s Leadership call upon people who dream of a better future for all, who believe that this is not only necessary but also possible and who aspire to participate in its construction.
We are citizens calling to citizens to let ourselves be inspired by the experience of "Dreamers in Action" and to participate in processes of "Creative Dialog" centering on two main subject areas:
Education: We speak of Education for all ages in the ample sense of the word: life long education, education for citizen participation, education for “learning to learn” so that we can all be prepared for whatever world that we end up living in, education for a new kind of relationship among ourselves and with Nature, education for…
Economy: As for Economy, we want to promote the emergence of an economy in which money becomes a means and a consequence rather than an end in itself; an economy that creates wealth; an inclusive economy in which abundance and prosperity for all does not suppose a threat for a few; an economy where people can make a living doing the creative work they love to do; an economy that values the caring work so essential for our survival - as a civilization and as inhabitants of Planet Earth...

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